Section: New Results

Other Results

Sequential approaches for learning datum-wise sparse representations [9]

In supervised classification, data representation is usually considered at the dataset level: one looks for the “best” representation of data assuming it to be the same for all the data in the data space. We propose a different approach where the representations used for classification are tailored to each datum in the data space. One immediate goal is to obtain sparse datum-wise representations: our approach learns to build a representation specific to each datum that contains only a small subset of the features, thus allowing classification to be fast and efficient. This representation is obtained by way of a sequential decision process that sequentially chooses which features to acquire before classifying a particular point; this process is learned through algorithms based on Reinforcement Learning. The proposed method performs well on an ensemble of medium-sized sparse classification problems. It offers an alternative to global sparsity approaches, and is a natural framework for sequential classification problems. The method extends easily to a whole family of sparsity-related problems which would otherwise require developing specific solutions. This is the case in particular for cost-sensitive and limited-budget classification, where feature acquisition is costly and is often performed sequentially. Finally, our approach can handle non-differentiable loss functions or combinatorial optimization encountered in more complex feature selection problems.

Multiple Operator-valued Kernel Learning [60]

Positive definite operator-valued kernels generalize the well-known notion of reproducing kernels, and are naturally adapted to multi-output learning situations. This paper addresses the problem of learning a finite linear combination of infinite-dimensional operator-valued kernels which are suitable for extending functional data analysis methods to nonlinear contexts. We study this problem in the case of kernel ridge regression for functional responses with an lr-norm constraint on the combination coefficients. The resulting optimization problem is more involved than those of multiple scalar-valued kernel learning since operator-valued kernels pose more technical and theoretical issues. We propose a multiple operator-valued kernel learning algorithm based on solving a system of linear operator equations by using a block coordinatedescent procedure. We experimentally validate our approach on a functional regression task in the context of finger movement prediction in brain-computer interfaces.